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Privacy and Transparency

Your privacy is relevant to us:

The personal data gathering and treatment was designed to be in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European and Council Parliament, of April 27th of 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons on what concerns the treatment of personal data and that data free circulation and that revokes the Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation).

The browsing on Crushious website and the registration as a costumer at the online store assumes the comprehension and acceptancy of the present Privacy Policy and Data Protection.

Crushious has the constant concern on the defence of personal data privacy and a preventive action on what matters the website safety and the data protection of its customers and visitors.

 The gathered data impose the Data Treatment Responsible the constant information supply stated on art. 14th of GDPR, which are considered provided by reading the present privacy policy.

Our Privacy Policy explains:

  •          The information we gather and why we do it.
  •          How we use that information.
  •          The options we provide, including how to access and update information.

Crushious values your privacy, even if, you are a recent user or a long term one, take some time to know our practice and, in case of any doubt, contact us.

1. Personal data treatment responsible

The Responsible for data treatment is Crushious. You may contact the data treatment responsible at any time when in doubt about data protection or via email to: legal@crushious.com


2. Legal base for the gathering and treatment of personal data

Our legitimacy to proceed to the present treatment is foreseen on paragraphs a) and b) from the nr. 1st on art. 6th from GDPR.

The gathering of personal data has the purpose to manage the contractual relationship with Crushious costumers.

On the terms shown on the article 3rd, 4th and 5th of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Crushious gathers data to perform effectively and be able, through our Services, to provide the best experience. At no given moment, we will treat your data for other purposes. Your personal data will be object of a licit, loyal and clear treatment.

3. Personal data treatment purpose

The data provided by you to Crushious are destined for trading, import and export of natural and dietetic products, informatic material and equipment and their supplies, garments and undergarments, saddlery and jewellery, informatic programming services, graphic and web design and Internet sites hosting.

All of your personal data will be stored only during the mandatory legal period of time, its storage respecting the guarantees of confidentiality and secrecy foreseen by GDPR.

4. Treated personal data categories

On general terms, personal data is gathered on two occasions directly resulting from Crushious activity:

4.1.1 User registration: customer account creation and data treatment purposes

For the effect of customer account creation, is provided a personal area where the customer should insert the necessary data to its identification as a customer. The fulfilling of the first purchase relies on the supply of added personal data, crucial for your order process and former delivery. The forms mandatory filling fields available for that registration stages are signed with an asterisk (*).

Crushious protects its costumers’ data and those are not provided to third parties without the holders’ knowledge or consent, as legally demanded.

On the process of the customers’ order, it is possible that determined personal data are disclosed to third entities for the sole purpose of fraud prevention and detection and always on the sequence of interpellation for the effect by appropriate authorities.

For the fulfilment of assigned legal obligations, Crushious uses the Keyinvoice invoicing system.

Besides that, when purchasing on the website, will also be required data regarding the delivery address and payment detail, in a way to assure the best possible efficiency and the compliance of delivery schedules.

To make order deliveries possible, some of your data is granted to carrier companies, namely: Nacex, DHL, Chronopost and when chosen by the customer, the orders may be delivered by CTT (mail).


Crushious uses cookies that are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and access number, allowing a quicker and more efficient browsing, removing the need to insert the same information repeatedly. A cookie is a small file with a list of characters, which are sent to your computer when you visit certain website. When browsing again on that website, the cookie allows your browser to be recognised. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. Notice that it is possible to reset your browser to refuse all cookies or signal when a cookie is sent. However, some websites services or features may not work properly without cookies.

Activate and deactivate cookies and similar technologies

Newsletters and other communication may, for statistic purposes, contain information that allows knowing if they are open by weblinks on them.

However, the customer is always graced the ability of cancelling the reception of newsletters or the communication via email through a specific mentioned option on it.

The access to Crushious online store assumes cookie use, deactivating them may compromise the website browsing.

To obtain further information, it is suggested to consult the information available on each browser or consulting detailed information on the subject.


5. Personal data storage period

Crushious stores the users’ personal data for the needed period of time for the purposes it was gathered, according to the law in force.

The supplied data will be stored for the strictly necessary period, which usually, meets up to the period of the customers’ account existence. For that reason, from the moment the customer triggers its customers’ account cancelation, the personal data will be erased permanently, except for the data required to the compliance of legal obligation that will be archived on a specific data base and for the absolute needed period. In case you intend to make a new order on the website, the customer shall proceed to a new initial registration, being obliged to the terms and conditions in force at the time being.


6. Safety on your personal data treatment

Crushious guarantees your personal data protection against any loss, destruction, alteration, access, or improper or non-authorised use, adopting legal demanded measures for that effect.

For these effects, Crushious owns technical and organisational measures that seek to assure the information safety and protect you against any deliberate or accidental acts that may provoke their tampering, destruction, loss or non-authorised use.

Despites all of our efforts, we alert that the Internet is not a safe communication place. In fact, Internet conveyed information may be intercepted by third parties. So, we cannot assure complete safety of gathered information. By using Crushious’ website and placing information, you expressly accept that it is done according to your express will and assuming the correspondent risk.


7. Right to access, rectification and erasure of personal data. Right to treatment limitation, right to treatment opposition and right to personal data portability.

On the terms of General Personal Data Protection Regulation, the data holder has the right to request the data treatment responsible, access to the concerning personal data, as well as it’s rectification or it’s erasure. The data holder, still has the right to demand, on determined circumstances, the personal data treatment limitation, as well as the right to oppose to the treatment and the right of data portability.

Occurring automatized decisions, including profile definition, you may oppose to such, on the terms for effect of art. 22nd.

You may exercise those right of access, rectification, erasure, treatment limitation, treatment opposition and portability before Crushious, via e-mail to legal@crushious.com or through letter for the following address:


(Exercising these rights may undermine the possibility of maintenance of legal basis for data treatment.)


8. Right to file an appeal to a control authority

On the terms of GDPR, it is informed that the data holder, has the right to file complaints to the competent control authority, in this case the National Committee of Data protection.


9. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

You may contact Crushious DPO at any moment regarding any doubt about personal data protection via e-mail to legal@crushious.com


10. Contacts

Queries, comments and requests related to this Privacy and Transparency Policy and its inherent rights, shall be addressed to the addresses provided on point 7.

Crushious uses cookies to provide a better purchasing experience.
By continuing using our services implies the acceptancy of cookies.
Consult our privacy policy.
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Assure your products!


  • Perfect for new launches and more exclusive products.
  • Be the 1st to have products in catalogue.
  • Process special orders.
  • Reserve large quantities.
And much more...


  • Payment for products on Pre-Order is made in full.
  • Payment is made at the time the order is placed.
  • Service subject to pre-approval.
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The items presented as, Exclusive Sale on Request, are part of a selection of sought-after products but with a lower turnover, either because they are large in size or because they have some peculiarity. In order to guarantee a quality service and products in perfect condition, we chose to continue offering this type of products only with deferred delivery. You can also place them in your online store with delivery notice after purchase.


While products with immediate stock have frequent restocking, products with deferred delivery will not be available in stock until ordered by you.

Products with Exclusive On-Demand Sale are available through the Pre-Order service.

Speak to your commercial agent to activate this service.

Dear Customer,

The purchase of this item is subject to certain conditions due to its location in our warehouse in Northern Europe. To ensure a quality and transparent service, we present below the conditions and advantages associated with these products.


  • Products stored outside the Iberian Peninsula are subject to a longer transit time.
  • Service subject to pre-approval.


  • Access to an even wider variety of products.
  • Benefit from exclusive offers available only in our Northern European warehouse.
  • Take advantage of the continuous expansion of our catalog.
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